How is technology used to communicate, how do we communicate ideas, meanings, how do we raise awareness to cultural aspects, problems & differences?
In my research I'll research these questions, and produce my own product or campaign based upon my findings and theme.
My recent visit to Vietnam was not only an amazing holiday but gave me the chance to explore and discover about different cultures, I was shocked and in awe most of the time. Using my own photos as research I want to ask the question
Do we/the public/individuals see, do we pay attention to the finer details. One way i could show this could be through photography, posters, a fashion film or a product.
At the moment I'm considering a chameleon idea; to conduct a fashion photo shoot but then merge the image with a busy street from Ho Chi Minh, this way I could record peoples reactions to the photograph, I can see if they notice the model blending in or if they actually notice the people going about their day to day business.
My point being, If I were to present to you a clean cut immaculate image of a model, would you look at the white background behind her/him? no probably not, this is because my model would be the focal point the point which the photograph is pulling you in, it would be the reason why your looking at it. I want to blend the model with their surroundings like a chameleon as see how my audience would react. would they look at the finer details or just look and see a 'busy street'
the busy streets |