Wednesday, 9 May 2012


Other ideas i had at the start of my Context Of Practace module
was to create a mask, The mask would be a symbol of the meaning
 behind my idea; Culture & how much do we see. The mask will be
an object representing something blocking our view, stopping us see
beyond certain things. Such as images the media project upon us,
 preventing people from seeing the bigger picture & finer details, like
the people working dawn until dusk in Vietnam.
 (Refer to earlier COP blog posts)

Using photoshop i overlayed a mask idea onto my photograph. There
is too much covering her face though so iwill need to alter this.
IDEA 1: Using illustrator, I could create a magazine article in
 order to convey my message, I Could have a range of photographs
all with something in common; A mask, There could be a series
of 10 or so, as the viewer flicks through the coulour of the photograph
can gradually grow from black & white to strong intense vibrant colours,
This will indicate the process we as peolpe engage in as we see
 the world, slowly realising and seeing more of what is around us.

IDEA 2: A advert campaign. to go on billboards,
I wwill re-do the above image with a photograph
and my own model, possibly use a different pose.

An idea I have attempted already but failed with, is to create this mask (above) I would like to have another go where i use a lazer cutter, the only problem is deciding which material to use. Previously i used 3mm thick copper wire but it was too difficult to bend into the intricate curved and swirls i wanted by hand and plyers

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